
Downhill Whee

Ever been excited to go for a bike ride?  Maybe not now but think back when you were a kid?  Remember what it was like when you got to a hill (not to mention a really steep hill)?  Most of us stopped peddling all together and simply walked the bike up the hill but you got there.   Now remember what it felt like on the way down?  I can feel many of you grinning already, feeling the wind at your back!

In many ways, our lives mimic a typical bike ride.  Now however when we get to the hill of life, we take the detour, ride in circles, or call it quits all together.  We risk hitch-hiking then blame the driver for our destination. Perception and choice is how we look at things with its many “daytime/evening” dramas. “How we think and what we think” could be the oil needed for our proverbial “bike chain” in order to get us moving!

Although our made for Reality TV Show life has potential, it is time to Get Real, get Real Purposeful and get Practical to get results!  My coaching method is not to over complicate.  In simple terms, it is time to talk honestly and gain some clarity.  You already know what you want.  You just have to do the work and embrace the change to get there.  The truth is we have all been around long enough to know the definition of insanity:  “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!”  Here’s the 3 step plan:

  1. Identify! (Look inside and visualize)
  2. Get Clear!
  3. Now Pedal!

If you are not creating and moving through action steps on your own, you need to partner me.  I want to help you see the blind spots that keep you from seeing possibilities and regain balance.  Consider me your safety rail keeping you from riding off the cliff!