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You are more than your titles and greater than you will ever know!”

From an early age, I’ve often wondered how things work. More importantly I wondered how people work. Not in the sense of what they do as a job but who they really are. What makes them tick? Who are they behind the mask?  I needed to know what made people act the way they do? Why did some enjoy life while others barely make it to the next day?

When I think of it now, I guess in a way, I was thinking about myself. I would soon be one of “those people”. How I was going to cope and survive in a world that seemed foreign to me. I never really fit anywhere but I still needed to figure out where “anywhere” was. I needed to know what inspired me. How I got here and where I wanted to go? What was and is my true purpose?

As a kid, I was the one who gave the blank stare when questioned, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”   That question was so intrusive. I immediately felt pressure. I thought “may be if I ignored them they would simply go away.” When you are a kid how in the heck are you really supposed to KNOW anything about anything? The one thing I’ve learned is if you don’t know, the journey of life will shape you into finding out.

So needless to say I have had a full and eventful life. And as crazy as it seems, I did most of it afraid.   Yes, at one time I was pretty much paralyzed by my own fear. It wasn’t until I was able to climb a telephone pole and jump off to catch a trapeze that I tackled fear. So what was I doing on a telephone pole? Well you will need to contact me to find out.

My life has been adventuresome, needless to say. I have had moments that took my breath away, moments where my side hurt from laughter, and moments where my heart nearly burst from sadness.  Life is made up of little moments that soon create a big picture. My greatest lesson is pain is inevitable but suffering is OPTIONAL! It is my one life’s truth. It has led me here. I own my truth; good or bad, right or wrong and chose optional for optimal living. It is what I want for everyone…..Optimal Living and to discover and live in your own truth. What’s the point if you can’t be you?

But first I had to take control over the voice in my head of not living up to others expectations. I learned what not to say to myself at my wits end and what to say to myself to get to the next level. I learned I was a risk taker because I dared to love.   I developed my values and who I am at my core. Some people like living on the surface of life. The surface is quick and easy. It is convenient and if you don’t like it just wait for the first rain to wash it all away and start over. Drilling down to the core of things is what I do and I have discovered it is who I am. My roots are deep so not to break in the storms of life.

The journey of being…..be content, be joyful, be thankful, be creative, be generous, be amazing, be funny, be wise, be gentle, be honest, be true and speak truth but most importantly be you because I am going to be me! Now if you read this far and still want to know all the boring stuff of the who’s who, where I have been, where I went to college, how many degrees I have and so on and so forth, I will be delighted to share that with you. Just drop me a line at eyrawright@etccoaching.net.

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