The Only Constant is Change

I am not one who likes change but I know it is inevitable.  Just when I think I have it all figured out the wind changes just like in Mary Poppins except there is no umbrella directing my path.

Wouldn’t it be great if we did have a magic umbrella directing us this way and that way?  Then we would not have to take ownership of our decisions.  Blaming others or situations is the easy way out instead of using each turn as a growth and learning opportunity.  Like driving down the street and making a new turn, you will never know where a new turn can lead you.

The direction is mine and mine alone.  I can either accept or resist it but change will come whether or not we will it.  As difficult as it is, I am learning to trust in the Universe knowing me better than I know myself and being thankful of the twists and turns in my life.  The only constant is change.  Are you ready to make a change?  Visit my website: Butterfly